Last Minute Info!

Meteo France Prediction (April 18, 16h00) for the DIS2013 week (we will compute the chi2 at the end of the week)

Web site for updates here.

-Wednesday April 24: There will be busses to the Conference Dinner : first will leave (when full) around 17h45,  but do not rush! we will wait for the sessions end! Do not forget your conference dinnner ticket!

- A welcome document  was distributed by email, it contains only the minimal information that may be useful in a printed form during the conference (maps, global schedule, wifi etc.). It will be printed and given to you at the registration time (so we recommended that you do not to print it in advance).

-Note that the lunches will be "buffet" on Monday and Friday, and "lunch-box" on Wed-Thu (easy distribution and take-away, a sandwitch, salad, desert and water) especially prepared for the event by a professional caterrer. The lunch space includes a garden. The work space is nearby (power plugs, wifi).

- The registrations will open on Sunday 16h00-20h00 (19h00 was mentioned before but we decided to extend by one hour the opening time). Register on Sunday if you can, to avoid the rush on Monday morning!

-Speakers: instructions are available now at:
note in particular that the slides should be available well in advance, and at least the day before for a talk in the morning session and before lunch for a talk in the afternoon session. The talk management will be done via indico (impossible to upload slides during the session). You can get help in the Scientific Secretary room (Escalette).

- Wifi codes were distributed by email and will be included in the registration package. Please do not connect to wifi more than one device at a time and in general do not foresee intensive usage during the conference. Please note that there will be no power plugs in the Auditorium so it will be impossible to charge your laptop during the plenary sessions. The parallel session rooms will be equipped with a limited number of power plugs and a charging table will be installed in each room. A work space is installed at the ground level.

- In case you would like to take part to the Public Lecture given by Rolf Heuer on Friday April 26, 18h00 (followed by a cocktail), please register here:

- Please note that in Marseille, as in any other big city, you should be careful with you belongings.

- The conference central phone is: 06 75 71 37 90 (will be operational from Sunday April 21st, 9h00). The European emergency number is 112 (accidents, fire etc.), the Police number is : 17.

-The contact for the organisational matters (registration, accommodation, coordination on site) is ATOUT Science Organisation at : The scientific matters and general coordination:

-If you have not yet fully registered (confirmation email received) and were not in recent contact to confirm your registration, please contact the organizers (ATOUT agency) immediately.

Your time in Marseille

Have a look at the official site of marseille .

Marseille-Provence is European Cultural Capital in 2013, so you may have the chance to visit an unique cultural event. More info here.