Working Groups and Convenors
The conference will include seven parallel sessions.
- WG1: Structure Functions and Parton Densities
- Cynthia Keppel (JLAB), Katerina Lipka (DESY), Pavel Nadolsky (Dallas)
- click here to email WG1 convenors
- WG2: Small-x, Diffraction and Vector Mesons
- Halina Abramowicz (Tel Aviv), Jonathan Hollar (Louvain), Samuel Wallon (Orsay)
- click here to email WG2 convenors
- WG3: Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
- Alexander Oh (Manchester), Markus Stoye (CERN), Alessandro Vicini (Milano)
- click here to email WG3 convenors
- WG4: QCD and Hadronic Final States
- Andrea Banfi (Sussex), Claudia Glasman (Madrid), Bogdan Malaescu (Paris)
- click here to email WG4 convenors
- WG5: Heavy Flavours
- Sebastian Naumann-Emme (DESY), Michel Sauter (Heidelberg), Antoni Szczurek (Krakow)
- click here to email WG5 convenors
- WG6: Spin Physics
- Alessandro Bacchetta (Pavia), Marco Contalbrigo(Ferrara), Francesca Giordano (Illinois), Marcin Stolarski (Lisbon)
- click here to email WG6 convenors
- WG7: Future experiments
- Nestor Armesto (Santiago de Compostela), Armen Buniatyan (Heidelberg), Franck Sabatie (Saclay)
- click here to email WG7 convenors
The agenda of the parallel sessions will be coordinated by the respective convenors.
Proposals for talks should be submitted via abstract submission procedure in indico. Abstract submission will be closed on March 1st.
Please read the instructions for Speakers and Convenors!
Use this email for a extra information on the scientific program.